Flood Restoration

Disaster Recovery Assistance
WML has provided design and project management services for flood restoration projects throughout the South West, Murchison and Goldfields regions. Our expertise in this area includes assisting shires with damage assessment and application to state authorities for relief funding.
We offer end-to-end restoration project management including:
- Initial damage pickup and documentation of remediation measures
- Preparing detailed specifications and tender documents
- Screening potential contractors
- Evaluating payment claims and variations
- Superintendence services including quality control and inspections
- Regular progress reporting
- Design and technical advice
- Final application for release of funds
Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements (DFRA 2018)
The DFRA documentation process can be taxing if you are inexperienced with its operation. WML has been involved with Disaster Recovery throughout the state, having worked in the Murchison, Goldfields, Esperance, South West and Wheatbelt regions in the last few years.
MRWA and OEM unofficially commented on our work in Lake Grace and noted it was some of the best work they have seen and experienced during the repair works season for AGRN 743. This comment and the fact that DFES commissioned us to produce the current set of tools and templates released with the DRFA documentation in October 2018, demonstrates that WML is amongst the leaders when it comes to flood restoration work.
We are well versed in helping local governments satisfy agency eligibility criteria. We provide complete management of grant claims and acquittal processes, including detailed compilation of evidence and timely submissions to meet cashflow needs.