Client: Millennium Chemicals
Kemerton, WA
Year: Completed 2016

Investigation of the existing Dalyellup site revealed the tailings to behave as a stiff, fissured over-consolidated clay within 12 months of deposition. The effect of solar drying and under-drainage were deemed significant in achieving a high early strength and increased solids content.
WML was commissioned by Millennium Chemicals to design a new 350,000 cubic metre liquid waste cell, to accept tailings from their Australind and Kemerton mineral sand processing plants. The 6ha cell replaced their existing tailings disposal operations at Dalyellup.
As part of the detailed design of the new cell, WML undertook a detailed geotechnical investigation of the proposed new site at Dardarnup together with a programme of insitu and laboratory testing at their Dalyellup site, to quantify the behaviour of the tailings.
To reduce the risk of impacting the groundwater, the facility will be fully lined with a composite liner and incorporate basal and side slope drainage as well as an underdrainage network.
A significant aspect of WML’s role centred upon co-ordinating activities with the mechanical and hydraulic disciplines in relation to installation of plant and infrastructure.