Client: S2M Evolution Alliance – A joint venture of Acciona, Cough, WSP, MRWA and PTA
Year: 2022-23
Project Value: $165 Million

The project consists of an extension of Stephenson Avenue from Scarborough Beach Road, to Cedric Street, including a new Mitchell Freeway Interchange, replacing the freeway interchange at Cedric Street. It will also provide a Smart Freeway southbound on-ramp with coordinated signals. This includes three new bridges, including two over Mitchell Freeway.
To facilitate the project works WML was engaged to assist with the temporary works design. This included design of working platforms, sheet pile designs, temporary freeway ramps, temporary road realignments, temporary footings and water retention structures. Review and verification of other work packages was also undertaken.
The poor ground conditions were a major challenge on this project, with soft peat soils and a high-water table leading to difficult foundation conditions. In addition, construction of the new structures was constrained by the proximity of the existing infrastructure and the need to keep both Mitchell Freeway and the PTA rail line open.