WML has assisted AECOM with numerous Mainroads WA bridge projects over the duration of 2022. The bridges were spread over the southwest and great southern region of the Western Australia. This included the geotechnical investigation and foundation design for each of these projects. We tailored the investigation to the bridge size, geotechnical complexity and access limitations, then helped AECOM with optimising their foundation design, whether a pile design, shallow foundation or a culvert footing.
A short summary of the bridges are as follows:
- BR059A, York-Merredin Rd, Dulbelling, WA: We provide assistance in verifying the design bearing capacity for shallow foundations at this bridge.
- BR3923 – Mordalup Rd over Tone River, Mordalup, WA – A two span concrete bridge of an overall length of 24m. We designed both driven and bored pile options.
- BR3275 – Upper Capel Road, Capel – A 18m single span concrete structure installed supported on piled foundation.
- BR0392 – Williams-Narrogin Rd over Williams River, Shire of Narrogin, WA – design of bored piles for a two span.
- BR0682 – Great Northern Highway over Capapora Brook, Shire of Victoria Plains, WA – design of bored piles for a single span concrete bridge.
- BR0077A – South Coast Highway over Marbellup Creek, Shire of Marbellup, WA – We completed both shallow and piled designs for this bridge. After completing a shallow foundation design for a culvert foundations, the amount of ground improvement required to achieve the design requirements was deemed unworkable. We designed alternative piled foundations for a re-designed single span concrete bridge.
- BR0081A – South Western Highway over Cuppup Creek, Youngs Siding, WA – We completed both shallow and piled foundation alternatives for the single span concrete bridge structure.