Client: Perkins Builders
Pinjarra, WA

The project had a number of challenges during the design stage due to the flat terrain creating problems with generating grade on the ramps for drainage purposes. This was overcome with a unique verge drainage system and the use of proprietary drainage products against kerb lines.
WML was engaged by Perkins to design the exit and entry ramps for the new service centre on Forrest Highway Lot 601 & 602 just to the south of Pinjarra.
The scope of the work was as follows
- Liaising with MRWA and obtaining approvals
- Road design for each ramp
- Drainage design
- Pavement design
- Surfacing design
- Pavement marking and signage design, including major freeway information signs
- Lighting and Electrical Design, including Western Power online applications
- Environmental and Heritage surveys and approvals
- Design Report
- Clearing permit
- Schedule of Quantities and Technical Specification and
- Complex Works Application.
WML was further commissioned to provide a geotechnical investigation and SSE, as well as construction supervision and quality control services during the construction period.
The project also had its challenges during construction with the primerseal bleeding on one of the ramps. This caused a prolongation of the completion of the final seal until the contractor could get the primerseal stabilised. WML worked through the issues with the contractor, the client and MRWA to come to an acceptable solution. The project was delivered successfully and is currently in operation without any further problems