Client: Main Roads WA
Bunbury, WA
Year: 2020 – 2025 (expected)

WML was engaged as the lead pavement designer for a landmark project located in the South West.
The project includes the construction of 27 km of dual carriageway highway with a total of 7 major intersections, including a mixture of grade-separated interchanges and at-grade roundabouts/intersections. The design of pavements includes a mixture of granular pavements and Full Depth Asphalt and the design of all seals and surfacings.
WML is also heavily involved in the assessment of road-building materials, leveraging our years of local knowledge to provide best for project outcomes. This project continues to be an interesting and complex challenge for the pavements team working directly with MRWA and alongside global Consultants and Contractors. WML will also continue to provide construction support for this project, providing technical advice on the numerous complex issues that arise on a project of this nature and size.